
Free Online MIT Course for Supply Chain Management with AnyLogic

Free Online MIT Course for Supply Chain Management with AnyLogic

The MITx MicroMasters in Supply Chain Management is part of MIT’s #1 ranked Supply Chain Management Program. The online course gives learners the opportunity to apply to institutions around the world and pursue a full Master’s degree.

Students learn end to end supply chain management with hands-on experience and case studies drawn from real supply chains. The supply chain analysis and optimization element harnesses the power of AnyLogic. Read on for more about this course and the exciting career opportunities...

anyLogistix 2.6 and Free Version Released

anyLogistix 2.6 and Free Version Released

anyLogistix 2.6 is released! The newest version of supply chain design and analytics software includes new features, experiments and example models. Plus a FREE Personal Learning Edition is now available for education and self-teaching. If you’re new to anyLogistix, we’ve provided simple example models that will teach you how to design and conduct experiments. Also, check out the help section with product documentation and multiple tutorials.

anyLogistix Educational Opportunities

anyLogistix Educational Opportunities

anyLogistix™ (ALX™) is the supply chain analytics software to design, optimize and analyze your company’s supply chain. It combines powerful analytical optimization approaches together with innovative simulation technologies offering you a comprehensive set of tools for end- to-end supply chain analytics.

The rapid adoption of anyLogistix by the world’s largest and most complex supply chains and an overwhelming response to recent anyLogistix educational opportunities are exciting indicators for the future use of simulation in supply chain analytics.

anyLogistix Workshop

anyLogistix Workshop

anyLogistix™ (ALX™), by AnyLogic Company is the supply chain software to design, optimize and analyze your company’s supply chain. It combines powerful analytical optimization approaches together with innovative simulation technologies offering you a comprehensive set of tools for end-to-end supply chain analytics. Join us in Chicago, July 24-26 for the anyLogistix 2.5 Workshop hosted by Anatoly Zherebtsov, Head of anyLogistix Development and Mike Wilutis, anyLogistix Sales Engineer. The Workshop will provide a deep understanding of how to implement anyLogistix to analyze and optimize your supply chain. See the agenda below, and register for FREE today!

anyLogistix Webinar, June 22nd

anyLogistix Webinar, June 22nd

AnyLogic, the standard in simulation and modeling technology introduces anyLogistix™ (ALX™), the supply chain analytics software to design, optimize and analyze your company’s supply chain. It combines powerful analytical optimization approaches together with innovative simulation technologies offering you a comprehensive set of tools for end- to-end supply chain analytics.

Join us for the anyLogistix Supply Chain Software Webinar June 22, 10:30 am CDT!

Webinar Agenda:

Logistics Planning for a Large Mineral Resources Company

Logistics Planning for a Large Mineral Resources Company

Companies in the mining and energy sectors face many of the same supply chain challenges of other industries. Transportation services, warehouse management, and global services are intertwined in moving equipment and supplies to the work site and shipping cargo to customers. These challenges make it difficult to predict the likely system impact of local decisions or how changes in one part of the system cause undesirable effects to other divisions. In 2013, the largest mineral resources company contracted Goldratt Research Labs and Amalgama to develop a simulation tool that would allow for better decision-making on a day-to-day and long term basis. The project requirements included...]