AnyLogic 8.6 released

AnyLogic 8.6 is here! We have added new features to the industry-specific libraries, improved animation, and simplified the update process. Read more about the innovations, download the new version, and start working with AnyLogic 8.6!

Material Handling Library

  • Now transporters – automated guided vehicles (AGV) - can be limited or prohibited from movement in certain areas of a model. Restrictions can be configured depending on available space, scheduling, throughput, and other conditions. Restricted areas can also be opened and closed manually using the API. When a transporter approaches a restricted area, it can wait or take a detour.

    In a model, restricted areas are defined using the Rectangular node and Polygonal node space markup elements. You can configure restrictions for these elements in the properties section Speed and access restrictions.

    See how this feature works in the example model Areas with limited access for transporters and try to guess what limits are set for the restricted areas. If you think you have a good idea what they are, tell us in the comments below. We will give the answers in our upcoming article that analyzes this model in more detail. Don’t miss it!

  • Processing stations on conveyors can now process objects individually, without waiting to be batched together. To enable this, change the value of the Processing property in the Station markup element. If an object reaches the end of a station and processing is not complete, it remains in the station until processing completes.

  • We have expanded the list of actions that the transporter can perform after releasing or canceling a task. Now they can automatically choose and go to the nearest base station or go to a user-specified place, such as markup nodes or paths, a conveyor, a processing station, and other elements.

Rail Library

  • Now, using the API, you can check the availability of tracks and reserve them for approaching trains. If another train approaches a reserved track, it will stop and wait until the track is clear. You can see how it works in our example.

  • Manual blocking of tracks is another new feature that, for example, can be used when a track is out of order or busy. If the path of a train is blocked, the train can dynamically calculate a detour or stop before the blocked track. And, the shortest route including both blocked and reserved paths can now be obtained through the AnyLogic API.

  • We have added new types of railway switches to the library. Now there are three of them:
  • Double-slip switch – this switch connects four tracks and allows trains to travel straight ahead or onto obtuse intersecting tracks.
    Single-slip switch – these connect four tracks and allows trains to travel straight ahead as well as along the obtuse angle formed by the junction involving the switching track.
    All-to-All (default switch type) – connects an unlimited number of tracks and allows trains to travel straight and along obtuse routes of the intersecting tracks.

More information about the new changes can be found in AnyLogic Help. And to dive into the full list of changes, you can view the change log.

Update to 8.6, test the new features, and share your impressions in the comments below! And, to update, you no longer need to download the full version of AnyLogic, you only need to download the update patch. To do this, check for updates directly from within the AnyLogic application. This feature is only available for users of AnyLogic 8.5.2 on Windows.

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