Simulation modeling in project management

Imagine that you need to create a computer program. To do this, you have to hire developers, designers and testers, organize processes, draw up a development plan, constantly evaluate the performance of colleagues, and so on. The task quickly becomes complex. What are your chances of success?

For projects large and small, companies use simulation to plan the processes necessary to complete their projects. For example, with the help of simulation modeling, Siemens developed a project management tool for the production of gas turbines, and the largest US mortgage agency removed bottlenecks from their organizational processes and optimized their staffing.

But how to properly apply simulation modeling in project management? Answers can be found in the chapter ‘Modeling and Simulation in Complex Project Management’ from the book Evolving Toolbox for Complex Project Management. For free, we have the chapter for download and in it you will find practical examples that show why companies choose simulation, as well as the methods they use to create their models.

The chapter explores each method separately and explains when to apply them. Practical examples from a logistics service provider and a construction company support the ideas and the demo models from the chapter are open access, so that you can download them, disassemble, and consolidate your knowledge in practice.

Modeling and Simulation in Complex Project Management book

Download the Chapter

Sergey Suslov presenting
Sergey Suslov

This downloadable chapter was co-authored by Sergey Suslov and Dmitry Katalevsky.

About the Authors

Sergey Suslov is the Director of International Sales and Marketing at AnyLogic. At the company for over 15 years, he has seen hundreds of projects and simulation models developed for companies across a wide range of business areas.

Dmitry Katalevsky
Dmitry Katalevsky

Dmitry Katalevsky is Director of the Department of Industrial Programs of the Skolkovo Institute and a lecturer at the Institute of Business and Business Administration, RANEPA. Dmitry has been working in the field of consulting and project management for over 15 years.

AnyLogic offers a variety of downloadable reading resources related to simulation modeling for both beginners and the more advanced. These include the comprehensive Big Book of Simulation Modeling, AnyLogic in 3 Days, The Art of Process-Centric Modeling, and more. You can find them on our books resource page. Many are available in different languages – just change the language of the site in the top right corner when on the books page!

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