
Multi-Method Modeling in Automated Warehouse Storage Systems Simulation

This article explores the integration of Vertical Lift Modules with shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems to enhance automated warehouse storage systems and improve order-picking efficiency. Using AnyLogic simulation, the research evaluates system performance through discrete-event and agent-based simulation modeling.

Simulation-Based Analysis of Hydrogen Refueling Station to Support Future Hydrogen Trucks and Technological Advances

This article explores the use of AnyLogic to optimize hydrogen refueling infrastructure for heavy-duty trucks in Bremen, Germany. It showcases possible advancements in renewable energy in transportation and hydrogen infrastructure optimization.

E-Commerce Research Paper: Dynamic Forecast Demand Analysis to Design a Parcel Locker Delivery Network in Spain

The research paper on e-commerce addresses urban logistics issues worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. The scholars used system dynamics simulation modeling with the ε-constraint method to design a parcel locker delivery network and forecast demand. The model suggested the lockers’ locations for improved delivery results and helped to develop a strategy for minimizing environmental impact.

A Cloud-Based Hybrid Simulation Model for Amazon Warehouse Yard Operations Optimization

This research introduces a cloud-based hybrid simulation model that combines discrete-event simulation (DES) and agent-based modeling (ABM) to enhance Amazon warehouse yard operations, which are crucial for efficient logistics. By leveraging cloud technology for scalability and real-time data integration, the model dynamically simulates sequential processes and the interactions of autonomous agents, such as trucks and yard staff.

Hybrid Simulation in Healthcare: a Review of the Literature

Hybrid Simulation modeling has been grabbing researchers’ attention lately. This article reports on a preliminary review of the literature and investigates the prevalence and utilization of Hybrid Simulation in healthcare. Findings show that combining Discrete-Event Simulation and System Dynamics is the most common approach to developing HS models in healthcare. However, the popularity of combining Agent-Based Simulation with others is on the rise.

Modeling and Simulation to Improve Real Electric Vehicles Charging Processes by Integration of Renewable Energies and Buffer Storage

The present study explores a simulation model combining system dynamics and discrete-event simulation for an electric vehicle charging system. The model allows for different parameters to be set individually, enabling the exploration of different system and usage scenarios. Multiple simulation runs were performed to analyze the considered energy system over a 1-year period and compare relevant output parameters for different system configurations and system locations.

Enhanced Operational Management of Airport Ground Support Equipment for Better Aircraft Turnaround Performance

The aircraft turnaround process consists of "ground handling operations" that are required to set an aircraft ready for its subsequent departure. This work focuses on enhancing the planning and real-time allocation of apron operations that are used to turn around an aircraft between two consecutive flights.

Generic Semiconductor Manufacturing Simulation Model

Simulation is one of the most used approaches to analyze semiconductor manufacturing systems. However, most simulation models are designed for single-use applications and study a limited set of problems that are not reusable afterwards. This paper proposes a generic, data-driven simulation model to evaluate and analyze a wide range of problems arising in modern semiconductor manufacturing systems.

Assessing Resilience of Medicine Supply Chain Networks to Disruptions: a Proposed Hybrid Simulation Modeling Framework

This paper introduces a simulation study of interventions to ensure a stable supply of a generic medicine in Norway. A hybrid simulation modeling framework is proposed to evaluate the effect of alternative supply chain shortage interventions in response to various disruptions to support national decision making with respect to preparedness planning and emergency response.